Why Reviewing Your Automations with High Level Could Be the Best Business Move You Make This Year

Recently, I shared some of the benefits of switching to High Level, especially for those currently using Keap.

However, I forgot to mention one benefit which could possibly be THE MOST SIGNIFICANT ONE! 👇

When you switch to High Level, you are compelled to review (and improve) all of your automations. 🤯

Now, I know what you might be thinking… reviewing and updating automations sounds like a daunting task. Some people might even recoil at the thought.

But let me tell you why this is actually a blessing in disguise.

The Hidden Opportunity in Reviewing Your Automations

If you’re like many SME business owners, you might have bought a bunch of pre-written automations with email sequences that made sense at the time. Fast forward to now, and reading those emails makes you cringe because they SO don’t sound like you anymore!

You know what I mean 😜

Here’s the thing: your business has grown and evolved. Your brand voice has likely matured, and your customers’ needs have changed. Those old email sequences? They’re probably not cutting it anymore. In fact, they might be doing more harm than good.

The Importance of Reviewing Your Automations

You should be reviewing your automations every year. But let’s be honest – most of us haven’t looked at ours for several years. The idea of opening them up might fill you with dread because you know they are outdated and off-brand. They might even make you want to throw up! 😂

Real-Life Examples of the Power of Updated Automations

Let’s look at some real-life examples to understand the impact of updating your automations.

Example 1: Increased Engagement One of our clients, a PT in Texas, was using an old email sequence to remind patients about their appointments. The emails were generic and inappropriate for their intended audience, resulting in low engagement rates. After switching to High Level, they took the opportunity to rewrite their emails in a friendly, conversational tone designed to resonate with their target audience.

The result? A 33% increase in appointment confirmations and a significant drop in no-shows.

Example 2: Boosted Conversions Another client, a women’s health specialist in Washington, felt their lead generation system wasn’t producing decent leads from ebook opt-ins. They decided to update their nurture sequences with a more personal touch and some new case studies.

This small change led to a 19% increase in conversions (leads who booked a DV or evaluation).

GOOD NEWS: Reviewing Automations is Easier Than Ever

Reviewing your automations and email sequences is now easier than ever, thanks to advancements in AI technology. Tools like AI-powered copywriters can help you rewrite your sequences in your own tone of voice, making the process virtually painless.

Imagine having a virtual assistant that helps you craft perfect emails that resonate with your audience!

Why You Shouldn’t Delay

If you know you need to review your automations but have been putting it off, it’s time to face up to it.

Don’t let it drag on any longer. It is potentially costing you a fortune in lost revenue!

Email sequences remain one of the most effective ways to convert leads into new customers or patients.

Imagine This: You could be sitting on a goldmine of opportunities who are just waiting for a better email from you – an email that finally sounds like you, resonates with the recipient, and compels them to take action… and get help from YOU!

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Ready to tackle this mess and get it sorted out properly? The first step is easy. Book your free High Level demo now. Astonishing benefits await!

And.. if you’re keen to ditch Keap but can’t face the prospect of migrating all your automations… we can help! 🙂


Switching to High Level isn’t just about upgrading your CRM; it’s about taking the opportunity to refresh your business processes and communications.

It’s about ensuring that every interaction with your customers is meaningful and reflective of your brand’s true voice. Don’t let outdated automations hold you back.

Make the switch ASAP and experience the transformative power of High Level.

Schedule a No-Obligation High Level Demo Â»


And please, don't worry...

we don't have a team of high-pressure follow-up callers who will pester you!

You won't regret having a demo and there will be no pressure to buy afterwards! 🙂


Flemming Arnott

Flemming Arnott

Flemming helps PT business owners all around the world to acquire more new patients by building websites that educate prospects, establish trust and ultimately generate leads. He has worked almost exclusively with physical therapy business owners over the last 10 years and has more than 20 years experience in the industry. Flemming is the "go to" expert for PTs who no longer want to rely on doctor's referrals and who put the patient experience first, with a desire to succeed in the new healthcare world.

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About The Author

Flemming Arnott

Flemming helps PT business owners all around the world to acquire more new patients by building websites that educate prospects, establish trust and ultimately generate leads. He has worked almost exclusively with physical therapy business owners over the last 10 years and has more than 20 years experience in the industry. Flemming is the "go to" expert for PTs who no longer want to rely on doctor's referrals and who put the patient experience first, with a desire to succeed in the new healthcare world.