Meet Frank.
Frank wants to get the most out of his online presence.
What Frank hasn’t considered is his social media management.
He thinks it’s fine to post a couple of pictures and leave it at that.
Don’t be like Frank.
Social media management isn’t just about posting the odd bit of content each week it’s so much more!
SEO is perfect for boosting your site’s visibility, but you’ll limit your site’s reach without utilising your social media presence efficiently.
Without any sort of social media presence, your web page will be looking like a bleached polar bear, in a snowstorm, in the arctic, on a foggy day in the middle of winter (you get the picture. it’ll be hard to find.)
Let’s delve into how social media can be managed effectively and investigate what actually is its relationship to SEO.
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What Exactly Is Social Media Management?
It’s probably useful to start by thinking about “what is social media management?”
If you’re not thinking about it you probably should be.
Quite simply this involves the setup and maintenance of a company or organisation’s social media accounts.
Which social media accounts you focus on entirely depends on the type of business, but usually we’re talking about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
It’s easy to not consider these as options for increasing your web page’s reach but in reality they can be some of the most effective tools.
Don’t be a fool, use that social media tool!
Through social media channels you can reach a specialised audience that will be more likely to be interested in your product or service.
A social media presence is usually always going to be positive, however, it may not be entirely effective without a management plan or bigger goal in mind.
Go big or go home! Social media content should be used with a bigger picture in mind.
Any presence on social media platforms is positive but with a planned goal (something Newcastle United don’t know much about) you can make the most of it.
Creating A Social Media Plan
A social media strategy is the most useful thing to have in mind when approaching your web page’s online presence.
Posts that don’t have a bigger goal in mind can seem disconnected and don’t really have many benefits for your organic traffic.
A Jackson Pollock style approach won’t be doing you any favours in the long run.
Alignment with your current SEO plan is crucial to the success of your social presence.
Known as a “fractional content strategy” information should be carefully collaborated across social media platforms and your webpage.
Whether you choose to keep all aspects of your marketing team in house or if you decide to outsource fractional parts you need to work as a cohesive unit.
To function as a collective or a cohesive company, it’s important to know in advance what information you’re going to share, and where you’re going to Cher it.
In the best Cher voice you’ve ever heard: Snap out of it!
Posts about the same subject across different mediums like Facebook or Twitter shouldn’t be identical, instead they should provide part of the overall picture.
When you get an idea on what you want to share with the web, start by splitting up what information you’re going to provide and think about what would be most effective and where.
You can stop thinking in Cher’s voice now if you want…
Think of it like a giant virtual puzzle, each post, blog or piece of content should only be a piece of the message you’re trying to convey.
What Are You Trying To Achieve?
Social media can be categorised in various different ways, it’s useful to categorise in terms of the content’s aim.
You don’t need to have a billion friends on Facebook to achieve a good reach from your webpage.
But before you set out to post your first Facebook post or Twitter tweet, have a think about what you are wanting to achieve?
Let’s break it down, we categorize social media posts by the following aims:
- Assisting content – used alongside content you are wanting to promote, such as a blogpost that you want your existing audience to read and engage with.
- Engagement and expanding reach – content used to increase the reach of your main content and to grow your existing audience.
- Feedback – creating polls or other engaging social media posts that encourage your audience to provide feedback or engage with your content in some form e.g. commenting.
- Evergreen content – revitalising older content by bringing attention to it through social media posts.
Social media becomes most effective when you approach it with a bigger goal in mind, by effectively choosing your aim and shifting your focus you’ll be able to reach a large amount of your “ideal audience.”
Just make sure if you ever become president that you can top this tweet.
What Does Social Media Have To Do With SEO?
In short, quite a lot.
In long, also quite a lot.
Social media itself does not directly impact your SEO, however, it is a great aid for increasing your organic traffic and for expanding your online presence.
SEO is vital to your existence in the virtual world, and social media is a great tool for getting the most out of your ideal audience.
If your social media accounts appear inactive your audience will be outta there faster than Roadrunner being chased by Wile E. Coyote.
Whatever goals you set out for your SEO you need to make sure it aligns with your social media plan.
With a plan in mind you’ll get the most out of all available platforms and reach as many potential clients as possible.
For advice about your social media presence or even your site’s SEO in general get in touch with us now.
Our Top Tips
High quality content is paramount to achieve the most from your social media presence.
Search engine algorithms are finely tuned to understand the context of your content, but they also evaluate the level of quality within the piece.
Put it this way, if 50 Shades Of Grey was being held to a search engine’s standard of quality it would’ve been lost to page 523 of Google (or Bing).
Despite not being directly connected with SEO, social media can really influence your online profile.
Poorly written social media content can have the same damaging effect that bad SEO can.
It’s always important to prioritise quality over quantity, which usually means less content but a much higher quality.
Kind of like how Stanley Kubrick only directed 13 quality films (Shining fans I know you’re out there!).
Understanding your audience helps to produce targeted content, this allows your readers to connect with you and your content.
Once your content is out there it can be easy to forget that it still has an impact on your traffic.
The best way to utilise older content can be through editing – making sure your content is at the same standard as your current content.
You have to be content with your content, otherwise Google definitely won’t be content with your content. Capeesh?
Once you’re happy with the standard of your older content, you can revitalise the page and the amount of traffic heading towards there through social media posts.
Evergreen content shows to search engines that your site is still active and more importantly, that the quality of that content is high.
Visualising Your Brand
Different media forms can be a great way to give a sense of variation.
Like the saying a picture is worth a thousand words, images in your social media posts can communicate your message more effectively.
Optimising your images and media content should be high up on your “To Do” list.
Not only are images and videos a striking way to convey your message, they also have great SEO importance and can be utilised to please the algorithm.
Wicker Man style, your visual offerings (unlike Nicholas Cage’s acting) will appease the gods of cyberspace.
The quality of the images you use will have an impact on your audience, a site that uses low quality images in their social media posts appears less legitimate and trustworthy.
Trial and error can often be a method for checking which media forms or types of images are better received by your audience.
The best way to experiment with images is to check the amount of engagement that each post receives and keep this in mind with future content.
The Key To Words
Social media often aligns with search engine optimisation, this is also the case for using keywords.
Before creating content on your webpage or posting to any social media platform you need to work out which keywords that you want to focus on.
The most effective keywords can be identified through various research tools.
Good SEO relies upon effective keyword research and usage. This is also the case for social media content.
For social media platforms to be an effective tool you should be using the same level of quality for your posts and tweets.
The Advice You Need
There you have it, SEO and social media, a relationship as old as time, er, well maybe not that old.
We know, it can be hard to know where to start with your online presence and how to boost your search engine rankings.
We can help you get set up and maintain high quality SEO content, get started by getting in touch today.
Whether you’re wanting to get set up or just looking for advice we can steer you in the right direction.