How Not To Sell On Facebook Marketplace

Not sure if your website could benefit from SEO? Click here to find out how you could get more traffic to your website! Facebook marketplace is essentially the online equivalent of a car boot or yard sale: you can buy, sell, and haggle, for virtually anything. Well, anything legal. It’s a mystery as to what…
How To Deal With 1-Star Reviews

1-Star Reviews: It’s how you respond that instills confidence in the customers, not the review that is necessarily left. The dreaded 1-star review is enough to send shivers down any business owner’s spine. But it’s not for vanity reasons, as some would have you believe. This fear stems from a user expierence and SEO standpoint.…
Does Social Media Need To Align With SEO?

Social media and SEO have the same goal – both want to increase traffic to your website. This in turn means both should work together to get that result. However, Social Media and SEO have a somewhat unclear and complicated relationship. There’s an active correlation between social media shares and higher ranking on search engines. …
The Impact Of Social Media On Your SEO Content

Meet Frank. Frank wants to get the most out of his online presence. What Frank hasn’t considered is his social media management. He thinks it’s fine to post a couple of pictures and leave it at that. Don’t be like Frank. Social media management isn’t just about posting the odd bit of content each week…
6 Reasons Why Google Hates Your Blog

“Our blogs aren’t ranking Marty, we need to go back in time and fix this mess!” Are you worried that your blogs haven’t ranked? Find out here why Google hates your blog. And we don’t mean ‘light hatred’ (such as the hate reserved for low-fat mayonnaise). Google doesn’t do low-level hatred (such as how Homer…
A Christmassy Blog: What Is SEO And Why Is It So Valuable?

It’s that time of year again. Presents under the tree; a roaring fire, meeting with family and friends…and a dip in client leads. …
Is “Google My Business” Really That Important?

We have a message about something you earthlings call: ‘Google My Business’ Don’t worry we come in peace. Well, most of the time that is. We’re going to break it down and transmit all of the important information that you need to know directly into your human brains. First things first, it’s important to know…
Ghostwriting: The Spirit Of Writing Blogs

In The Spirit Of Ghostwriting Halloween might be over but we aren’t finished talking about ghosts just yet, more specifically – authors of the undead variety. Have you ever wondered if there really is an easier way to keep up with optimising your web page on search engines? We’ve got just the solution for you.…
The Horrors Of SEO Mismanagement

So you want to hear a scary story for Ol’ Hallow’s Eve? I’ve got a few tales that’ll give you the chills. Just don’t blame me if you end up sleeping with the light switched on tonight. Follow me into the SEO crypt. I hope you’re not too afraid of the dark… Delve into…
The Connection Between Stress And Website Management

The stresses of website management can be enough to overwhelm even the most experienced of industry professionals. Don’t panic if website management is causing you sleepless nights – you’re not alone. And we can help. Looking to run a successful modern-day business? Unless you are marketing to the hardcore Amish, you need to employ successful…