TikTok: Should I Accept The New Kid On The Block?

TikTok is the new kid on the social-media block, but can it benefit your business and marketing? Or is it something to avoid? We take a look. This last year has seen the rise of an unprecedented worldwide issue that has affected millions of people. It’s come from China, but it isn’t COVID-19. While COVID-19…
New Content Service From DRPT’s Friendly A.I Bot

If Elon Musk has taught us anything, it’s that human beings are sooooooo 20th century. As a concept, flesh and bone seem out of fashion, whereas microchips remain the real deal. Time’s slow march of murderous T-800s appears to be upon us. Yay! However, rather than washing us down with rapid machine-gun fire, AI Bots…
Want More Revenue? How Better Copy Generates Better Business

It’s easy to forget that better copy generates more business. By focusing on user experience and making your website aesthetically pleasing, quality of content can often slip. Looking to gain more clients? Content is king! Here’s why… No doubt you already know that a website is one of the best ways to generate leads. Yet,…
How to Promote Telehealth on Your Website

Telehealth, Virtual PT, Telerehab, Digital PT, Remote PT… whatever you want to call it, it’s the service that most physical therapists never wanted to offer until March of this year when suddenly everything changed and everyone was scrambling to figure out what to do in order to keep revenue coming into their businesses. Businesses that…
How to Stop Your Website Visitors Getting Scared Away By the ‘Not Secure’ Warning

You might have heard of SSL but weren’t sure whether you needed it on your PT website. If you’re not taking payments online, why would you need it, right? Well, that used to be the case but not any more. For a long time now, Google have been pushing for a ‘secure web’. This means that…
Save Time (and Money) on Stock Images For Your Blogs and Ads

Where’s the first place you look when you need a stock image? PLEASE tell me it’s not Google!!!! (Google is OK for finding images IF you know what you’re doing – more on that later.) When you need an image for a blog post or a report cover or a Facebook or Google ad, where…