How Much Should Physical Therapy Clinics Spend on Google Ads?

In the age of digitization, where even great grandparents are becoming savvy with ‘The Google’, physical therapy clinics are faced with a pressing dilemma. It’s not about choosing the right therapeutic equipment or debating the merits of deep tissue massage over dry needling. Oh no! It’s the daunting question of how many of their hard-earned…

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How To Deal With 1-Star Reviews

1-Star Reviews: It’s how you respond that instills confidence in the customers, not the review that is necessarily left.  The dreaded 1-star review is enough to send shivers down any business owner’s spine. But it’s not for vanity reasons, as some would have you believe.  This fear stems from a user expierence and SEO standpoint.…

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Social Proofing Your PT Website: Let Your Clients Do The Hard Sell

  What does it mean to be Social Proof? By getting your website social proofed, your testimonials and reviews can do the hard sell by appealing to one of our greatest human traits: trust.  Social proof isn’t quite what you think. It’s not proof that you are social. You don’t need to find evidence of…

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The Limitations of DIY Website Builders

It’s tempting to opt for a basic package with the likes of Wix or Weebly, or other DIY website builders. But those initial outlays may end up costing you far more in the long run. Here’s why. As of May 2021, Wix hosts a (rather incredible) 160 million websites. Those 160 million people can’t be…

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Online Etiquette: Failure Is Not An Option

Venturing into the online world requires rules. Don’t search for cooking terms in Google (unless you fancy having a heart attack). Don’t engage with James Corden. And, most importantly, conduct yourself with online etiquette.  Tone, cadence, humour and brand image – these are the vital ingredients that create delicious, goulash-esque content for your ravenous audience. …

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Why Core Values Are So Darn Important

Core Value is a term that you may recognize, but what does it actually mean? And how can installing core values make for healthier business?  Talking about ‘core values’ may feel like corporate lingo used to butter up your direct debit information, but it’s not actually as sinister as you may think. Core values remain…

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The Extreme Benefits Of Using Live Chat On Your Website

Live Chat. Is it worth it? In one word: Yes! What was once a marketing gimmick now holds substantial value for Return on Investment through your website. Here’s the lowdown.  You’re interested in a service. You find a business that seems to match. You have questions. You need answers before spending money with the company.…

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Does A High PPC Bounce Rate Affect Organic SEO?

Is your Pay Per Click (PPC) bounce rate higher than Elon Musk (during a live interview)? Don’t panic. It’s not having a detrimental effect on your organic SEO. However, it will affect things in other ways.  You may have noticed various knuckle-dragging mouth breathers bemoaning lately about how the COVID-19 vaccine apparently turns you into…

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What Is the Best Way to Maximize the Potential of a Popular Blog Post?

If your blog is proving popular, then there are things you can do to maximize its potential and get people to engage. The best part? You don’t need a coding degree to get results.  Have you ever looked at your Google Analytics and noticed that some of your blog posts are getting crazy amounts of…

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Help! Why Am I Not Getting Many Opt-Ins for My Lead Magnets and Free Guides?

There are lots of possible reasons why you might be getting a disappointing amount of opt-ins for your lead magnets, free reports, and e-books. And, if you have found this article, chances are you are looking to do something about it.  I mean, what’s the point in all those visitors if they don’t convert? Let’s…

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