The Extreme Benefits Of Using Live Chat On Your Website

Live Chat. Is it worth it? In one word: Yes! What was once a marketing gimmick now holds substantial value for Return on Investment through your website. Here’s the lowdown.  You’re interested in a service. You find a business that seems to match. You have questions. You need answers before spending money with the company.…

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Does A High PPC Bounce Rate Affect Organic SEO?

Is your Pay Per Click (PPC) bounce rate higher than Elon Musk (during a live interview)? Don’t panic. It’s not having a detrimental effect on your organic SEO. However, it will affect things in other ways.  You may have noticed various knuckle-dragging mouth breathers bemoaning lately about how the COVID-19 vaccine apparently turns you into…

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Why Bad Content Is Worse Than No Content 

What’s the only thing worse than no content? You got it, bad content!  But what is good content? Many physical therapists we talk to understand the importance of website content because they learn from coaches like Paul Gough that information is everything. Paul has rewritten the rule book on sales, stating that people don’t just buy…

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The Importance of Blogging Regularly

So, you consider yourself somewhat of a blogging connoisseur. That’s great. But are you crafting those blogs regularly? Here’s why blogging to a schedule is essential.  Remember the Tamagotchi? Japan’s handheld digital pet was arguably the most significant toy fad throughout the era of Britpop and Brosnan’s Bond. For those who escaped the rabid clutches…

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What Is the Best Way to Maximize the Potential of a Popular Blog Post?

If your blog is proving popular, then there are things you can do to maximize its potential and get people to engage. The best part? You don’t need a coding degree to get results.  Have you ever looked at your Google Analytics and noticed that some of your blog posts are getting crazy amounts of…

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The Importance of Core Web Vitals for Your Website (Not Boring)

There’s been a development in SEO. Meet the all-conquering (and feared) Google Core Web Vitals! *Maniacal Laugh* Welcome to the world of SEO updates. It can be a scary, relentless quagmire of anagrams, algorithms, terminology, and tech-talk. Unless you think in binary, worship the first-generation Apple Mac, or find the Linux Penguin (Tux) strangely attractive,…

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Help! Why Am I Not Getting Many Opt-Ins for My Lead Magnets and Free Guides?

There are lots of possible reasons why you might be getting a disappointing amount of opt-ins for your lead magnets, free reports, and e-books. And, if you have found this article, chances are you are looking to do something about it.  I mean, what’s the point in all those visitors if they don’t convert? Let’s…

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How 2020 Changed The SEO Landscape

Congratulations on surviving! As any twelve-month stretch goes, 2020 has served us a never-ending smorgasbord of unadulterated dung. Viewed as vintage wine, this year would be acidic enough to dissolve even Gwyneth Paltrow’s unwarranted smug aurora.  From COVID-sponsored fatality rates to ludicrous election mayhem and California largely being on fire, 2020 will be remembered with…

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How to Build Thanks Pages to Generate Even More Leads

You can build thanks pages to generate even more leads? Absolutely.  If you haven’t noticed already, every single page of your website presents an opportunity. However, there’s one type of page that presents some very interesting opportunities yet is frequently overlooked, ignored, neglected, forgotten about, undervalued, disregarded… you get the idea. I’m talking about thank…

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Why Written Online Content Is Worth Paying For

At the end of the day, you get what you pay for. Online content is worth paying for and real writers cost money! If you want to skimp on cost and pay low amounts for an author’s time – especially if they are an expert in their field – then expect poorer results. Here’s why…

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