The Limitations of DIY Website Builders

It’s tempting to opt for a basic package with the likes of Wix or Weebly, or other DIY website builders. But those initial outlays may end up costing you far more in the long run. Here’s why. As of May 2021, Wix hosts a (rather incredible) 160 million websites. Those 160 million people can’t be…

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People Say That SEO Is No Longer Relevant – Is SEO Dying?

Is SEO dying? Some people think that SEO is already dead, but they couldn’t be more wrong. Oh boy, are they wrong. Search Engine Optimization remains one of those fascinating internet mediums that means absolutely everything yet, simultaneously, nothing to most of us. Google can’t be that complicated, surely? I mean, it’s a white page…

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Is Duplicate Content Bad For My SEO?

Ah. Duplicate Content. A constant and never-ending topic of discussion that divides families, sows the seeds for Code 187s (Murder Death Kill), and remains responsible for more migraines than Kanye West’s latest album *shudder*.  The internet is full of contradictory information in regards to duplicated content. Some say that Google’s algorithm bots will hunt you…

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TikTok: Should I Accept The New Kid On The Block?

TikTok is the new kid on the social-media block, but can it benefit your business and marketing? Or is it something to avoid? We take a look.  This last year has seen the rise of an unprecedented worldwide issue that has affected millions of people. It’s come from China, but it isn’t COVID-19. While COVID-19…

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A Quick Guide To SEO-friendly Blogging 

Writing has changed. People don’t read how they used to. Here’s how to write your online content with SEO-friendly blogging and make it worthwhile.  Everyone considers themselves a ‘good writer’. I mean, what is the actual definition of a good writer? Someone who can craft a tone, avoid spelling and grammatical errors, and simultaneously ensure…

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How Bad SEO Can Cost You More Than Just Money 

Industry leaders proclaim that ‘cheap/bad SEO costs more than money’. And we agree. Here’s why opting for that ‘low-cost’ SEO programme could be damaging to your business and your revenue.  ‘There’s always someone out there who can do it cheaper‘.  While this is true, you will always get what you pay for.  If you honestly…

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Why You’d Benefit from a Subscription-Based Website

Opting for a subscription-based website can feel daunting. It goes against the sturdy grain of online comfort. However, you have nothing to fear. Here’s how, when used correctly, a subscription-based website can bring various benefits to your business.  When you set about actioning that notion to have a website bearing your business name, the rigid,…

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Think Twice Before Using an Image of Unknown Origin

Using an image of unknown origin may not flood the brain with ideas of plagiarism, law suits, or legal topics – such as the Fair Use Act. But it should. Lifting an image for your own use (also known as ‘stealing’) is a dangerous game to play. Here’s why.  USA Network’s Suits was pretty great,…

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New Content Service From DRPT’s Friendly A.I Bot

If Elon Musk has taught us anything, it’s that human beings are sooooooo 20th century. As a concept, flesh and bone seem out of fashion, whereas microchips remain the real deal. Time’s slow march of murderous T-800s appears to be upon us. Yay!  However, rather than washing us down with rapid machine-gun fire, AI Bots…

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Online Etiquette: Failure Is Not An Option

Venturing into the online world requires rules. Don’t search for cooking terms in Google (unless you fancy having a heart attack). Don’t engage with James Corden. And, most importantly, conduct yourself with online etiquette.  Tone, cadence, humour and brand image – these are the vital ingredients that create delicious, goulash-esque content for your ravenous audience. …

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