How To Use Google My Business Effectively

Are your Google My Business posts being rejected?  Google My Business is a great way to make sure your online presence is established.  However, knowing what you can post and what won’t be rejected can be difficult. Google can be finicky and some posts can be picked up by the search engine’s filter and be…

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Knowing Your Netiquette (Web Etiquette)

Are you new to the internet or just have no idea what any of this web lingo means?  IMO if you’re confusing your lols, brbs and gtgs you might be getting yourself into trouble.  The hyper-connectivity of the web leads you to having contact with people from all over the world that you normally would…

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How To Deal With 1-Star Reviews

1-Star Reviews: It’s how you respond that instills confidence in the customers, not the review that is necessarily left.  The dreaded 1-star review is enough to send shivers down any business owner’s spine. But it’s not for vanity reasons, as some would have you believe.  This fear stems from a user expierence and SEO standpoint.…

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How Can I Reduce My Bounce Rate, It’s Too High!

Are you worried about your bounce rate?  We understand, it can seem like an intimidating statistic. Google analytics can be overwhelming to look at and the bounce rate isn’t always a great indication of how well your site is performing.  Follow us down the proverbial rabbit hole to explore the usefulness of bounce rate statistics. …

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Stop Wasting Time Writing Blogs That Don’t Rank

Are you sick of being second place?  Do you have what it takes to be a winner?  Can you reach the top of Google’s most appreciated list?  Topping the charts isn’t only a bragging right, it’s a way to make sure your business is easily found.  A show-stopping blog is a sure fire way to…

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How To Write A High Quality Blog – Spelling, Grammar And Language Use

Hola, Bonjour, Guten Tag, G’day and Top of the mornin’ to ya!  Are you concerned that your blogs aren’t reaching Google’s (or Bing’s) high standards?  Is English not your native language?  Have you woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, terrified by the very concept of semicolons?  We’ve got you…

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Does Social Media Need To Align With SEO?

Social media and SEO have the same goal – both want to increase traffic to your website. This in turn means both should work together to get that result.  However, Social Media and SEO have a somewhat unclear and complicated relationship. There’s an active correlation between social media shares and higher ranking on search engines. …

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The Impact Of Social Media On Your SEO Content

Social media and SEO alignment

Meet Frank.  Frank wants to get the most out of his online presence.  What Frank hasn’t considered is his social media management.  He thinks it’s fine to post a couple of pictures and leave it at that.  Don’t be like Frank.  Social media management isn’t just about posting the odd bit of content each week…

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6 Reasons Why Google Hates Your Blog

“Our blogs aren’t ranking Marty, we need to go back in time and fix this mess!”  Are you worried that your blogs haven’t ranked? Find out here why Google hates your blog. And we don’t mean ‘light hatred’ (such as the hate reserved for low-fat mayonnaise). Google doesn’t do low-level hatred (such as how Homer…

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Mental Health In The Workplace

Mental Health In The Workplace

We’re currently experiencing a mental health epidemic throughout the world.  It is estimated that 450 million people in the world are currently experiencing mental health issues, with a further 25% will be directly affected by mental health issues within their lifetime. Our Mental Agility largely remains an unknown entity within society. People often don’t want…

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