6 Reasons Why Google Hates Your Blog

time travelling scientist

“Our blogs aren’t ranking Marty, we need to go back in time and fix this mess!” 

Are you worried that your blogs haven’t ranked?

Find out here why Google hates your blog. And we don’t mean ‘light hatred’ (such as the hate reserved for low-fat mayonnaise). Google doesn’t do low-level hatred (such as how Homer Simpson and Ned Flanders).

Google only does proper, full-on hatred. Such as the unadulterated dislike humankind has for itself. 

Unlike our legally distinct protagonist; you can’t time travel. So, you’ll want to know how to get it right the first time round.

Your blogs might not be ranking for many reasons and we’ll delve into why in this blog.

One of the most disheartening aspects of making blogs can be the whole writing and editing process feel like it’s been for nothing. 

We all know that good blog writing takes a lot of time and effort. 

The worst thing you could possibly do is spend all of that time and energy for it to be totally worthless in terms of SEO. We often bang on about keywords and backlinks, but none of that will matter if your blog doesn’t seem relevant to the almighty algorithm. 

Hop in our time machine and find out how your blog writing can become your most effective tool, and why Google hates your blog. 

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5000 B.C. – Infrequent Blogging

Infrequent blogging - prehistoric landscape

So let’s start at the start, and by that we mean the very start. 

“Really? This is when you made your last blog? Seriously? There’s a dinosaur over there!” 

This brings us to our first reason why “Google hates your blog.” 

Posting blogs infrequently can leave your site hanging about in the stone age. 

The vacuum left by a lack of blogs means your SEO will be taking a large asteroid sized hit (like the one that killed the dinosaurs, or the one that’s currently hurtling towards earth with the coil-sprung menace of Linda McCartney’s Sausages).

A lack of online presence – caused by ignoring publishing regular blogs – can be extremely detrimental to your business. 

Getting good blogs published, and on your site, is vital for the survival of your business online. You have been warned! 

Blogging might’ve been difficult for T-rex’s, you know with their little arms not being able to reach the keyboard. However, it’s no excuse for your SEO. 

We don’t want your website sitting with no blogs, any search engine would think your business is dead as a Gothic dodo, and won’t be ranking you highly for it.

Also, how does it look to your potential customers? Having an empty blog is like having an empty shop window.

To avoid an online-based extinction event, remember to keep your online space populated with fresh, new, interesting content. 

65 B.C. – Where’s Your Social Media?

Social media - ancient egypt

“Looks like we’re in ancient Egypt, we’ll find the reason for your blog’s poor performance soon enough!”

Is your social Media presence as barren as a desert? 

Don’t be running scared to your Mummy, we’ve got just the thing you’re looking for.

If your Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn pages are looking a little on the sparse side, you may be doing your site a major disservice. 

Social recommendations are now a major part of how search engines analyse content and determine which sites are active. 

If you’re reading this and still not convinced you’re probably in de-Nile *guffaw*

Your presence on Twitter and Facebook etc, can be great ways to link back to your site’s content. 

Creating a network of links across your site, and over all social media platforms, can really benefit your organic traffic; it also helps your site’s ranking. 

It shouldn’t be as complex as a Sphinx’s riddle, put simply, social media should represent your brand and should be used to boost your SEO. 

Bringing your site back from a point of low traffic can feel like trying to fight to escape the jaws of a very angry crocodile. 

We love SEO and for good reason! 

Search engine optimisation means high quality blogs, and social media can be a great tool to boost your traffic and increase rankings. 

Let’s hop back into the time machine and find out more ways why search engines really hate your blog. Just like how Gordan Ramsay hated AA Gill (before they made amends). 

1200 A.D. – Using Keywords Effectively

Effective keywords medieval england

“What’s that smell of cabbages? No it’s not your blog… It’s that peasant over there. We must be in Medieval England. Look at all these diseases!”

The dark ages, a brutal time to be alive when SEO and website management didn’t exist. 

You don’t want Google to think you’re still in the dark ages, which it will – if you have no immediate web presence.

Starting with Google hating your blog isn’t the best look for SEO.

Not being able to find which keywords to use in your online blogs is a fine excuse for a Medieval English farmer, but there’s definitely no excuse in the modern world. 

The king of the realm really is Google (or Bing depending on which realm you’re in) and to appease its algorithm you need to focus down keywords.

For a blog to have a bountiful harvest, it’s important to use software to research keywords. 

A blog with no focus has as little impact as an iPhone charger in the dark ages. 

Search engines will leave your castle, er *blog* sieged on page 352 , with no chance of a high ranking without creating focus keywords.

Do you know what your customer base is searching for? 

If your answer to that question is “no, sirethen you need to rethink your blogging strategy. 

You won’t be needing to hang about the local town crier to find out what your local town is looking for, you’ll have to use the world wide web. 

You also need to be aware of the amount of keywords that you’re trying to focus on. A plague of keywords will be detrimental to your site’s health. 

Trying to rank for too many keywords will dilute your SEO efforts, too. 

Put it this way, no one will be coming to your tavern if you’re serving a watery mead.

“With the sun going down, I think it’s time to get out of here before it turns to k-night” 

Before we jump to our next hot SEO tip, you’ve got to make sure your keyword features in your blog title or search engines will be sending your site to the guillotine. 

1790 A.D. – Focussing On Topics

Vive la revolution and why google hates your blog

Vive la révolution, welcome to revolutionary France, a time when the food was sweet and the royals were losing their heads.”

For search engines to identify your blogs as revolutionary, you really need to focus on topics. 

Topics are what drives your traffic, nobody is going to read something that they’re not interested in. 

The monar-KEY to make Google stop hating your blogs is to create relevant blog topics that utilise identified keywords. 

Potential blog topics should be researched by scouring other blogs, surveys, keyword analyses and social media posts. 

The peoples’ voice matters, an important sentiment that 1790’s France would have benefitted from knowing. 

Your audience should drive what you’re going to write about, however, don’t let it dictate your site completely. 

Writing about topics that more people want to read, will unsurprisingly, generate more organic traffic. 

Staying on topic is also vital to your blog’s success, chopping (like a guillotine) and changing in terms of blog content and keyword focus will confuse the algorithm. 

When you identify a relevant topic with a good amount of potential traffic and produce a focused blog, you’ll have them eating cake out of the palm of your hand. 

You wouldn’t want to cross(ant) the algorithm, a lack of focus and interesting topic titles will leave your site basking in virtual insignificance. 

Liberté, égalité, fraternité. All words that wont be in Google’s virtual mind when analysing your blog. 

Break away from the confines of website mismanagement, I guarantee you will feel liberated when your blog is reaching the 1st page of Google. 

“Let’s make our ber-way out of here!” 

1988 A.D. – The Impact Of Plagiarism

80s dance club - google hates your blog from plagiarism and unoriginality

“Flares? Mullets? Leg warmers? A stench of ego? We must be in the 80s!” 

80’s fashion really made everyone seem like an individual, it’s a good way to think about your blogs too. 

Repetitive content can really harsh a Search Engine’s vibe. It’s one of the reasons why Google hates your blog.

Kind of like how looking back some 80s hairstyles should’ve stayed in the past, your blog topics should also be pushing forward. 

That’s not to say you can’t revise or expand on blogs, which is extremely beneficial for your site’s health. 

Like a bad song cover (looking at you, Kanye), stealing other people’s content and plagiarising blogs is bad news. 

I would like to personally apologise in advance for the 80s song references that are coming up…

Google just “Can’t Get Enough” of fresh content, “Ain’t Nobody” is going to read your blog shoddily replicated. 

Time After Time” we see blogs fall to the pit of search engine insignificance. 

It shouldn’t be “Tricky” to produce original content. You also shouldn’t be “Livin’ On A Prayer” hoping that your blog ranks highly. 

SEO is a sure fire way for constant organic traffic, it’ll be trickling in “All Night Long.” 

Topics should be researched and not repeated, this should become a key part of your blog writing process! 

Plagiarism is actually considered a black hat tactic (and legally dangerous) which can send your page spiralling into search engine insignificance.

“I think we’ve got a handle on why Google hates your blog now, It’s time to head Back To The Future…” 

3022 A.D. – The Integrity Of Your Website

robot apocalypse caused by bad seo and google hating your blog

“Oh no! It looks like we went too far forward, to a time where robots have evolved and conquered the planet!!”


The algorithm… 

A truly terrifying beast, now, more than ever it’s important to keep it happy. 

Bad coding and broken links are like a virtual disease and Google wants to stay far away from them. 

Put simply, Google (or Bing) will be pushing your site way down in the rankings to avoid the virtual plague of bad coding. 

A.I Armageddon has happened and this should be an incentive to learn how to utilise technology and SEO to maximise organic traffic. 

When Google hates your blog, your business won’t stand a chance. 

Using a poorly constructed website with badly optimised SEO will see your pages eliminated, terminator style, from ranking high on search engines. 

The robopocalypse might not be coming for at least another 1000 years, but for your business it’s vital to abide by Google and Bing’s online practices. 

“Let’s jump back to the present, quickly, before Robocop finds us!” 

What Should You Do If Google Hates Your Blog?

What should you do if google hates your blog?

If your blog is suffering from any of the above, you should know that Google will hate it. 

SEO and website management are important cornerstones to your business’s success online. 

We know how time consuming this process can be, and we want to help. If Google hates your blog, we can help you make things right. 

We’re experts in everything SEO and we want to help you out, so why not get in touch with us now. 

Whether you need help with your full setup or even if it’s just a seemingly simple question we’re more than happy to help.

Johnathan Elliott

Johnathan Elliott

Johnathan joined the DRPT family in 2021, having gained his Masters Degree in English studies with Manchester University (yes, Manchester has a University). Besides bringing excellent writing, research, and communication skills to our team, Johnathan is a keen film fan. When asked what he would do if he won the lottery, Johnathan replied: "I would make the world's worst horror film". Yes. We worry for him, too.
Johnathan Elliott

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About The Author

Johnathan Elliott

Johnathan joined the DRPT family in 2021, having gained his Masters Degree in English studies with Manchester University (yes, Manchester has a University). Besides bringing excellent writing, research, and communication skills to our team, Johnathan is a keen film fan. When asked what he would do if he won the lottery, Johnathan replied: "I would make the world's worst horror film". Yes. We worry for him, too.